The Challenge

When Accenture's major University client asked for strategic direction to better understand student satisfaction, they knew the approach to obtain the depth of feedback necessary would need to be innovative.

The University they represented wanted to obtain feedback from students about how engaged they are with their University, what they were looking to get out of their experience, and what they actually get. They also wanted to understand what would increase student satisfaction, what needed to change, and why. 


The Solution

As an advocate of innovative research methods, Accenture reached out to Voxpopme to provide their client with deeper insight from their target audience, more than before possible using survey research alone. 

Respondents were invited within the survey to explain their experience at University and what they would look for to improve that experience and get more value for their money paid to attend. Students were also asked to comment on their digital experience with the University, and their desire for more technology integrated into their learning experience.

After instant upload and lightning-quick transcription, Voxpopme’s Theme Explorer identified two central themes, and over a dozen related ones. The video showreels produced around these themes were used to enrich the survey results with an emotive, personable set of stories. 

Business Impact 

The additional depth and context obtained from video insight gave Accenture an opportunity to present a truly actionable strategy based on real stories from University students.  Hearing their stories in their own words provided an opportunity to bring the human element back into research results, allowing for a deeper connection with students to drive real change.

Looking to add video to your research?

Join the hundreds of other researchers and strategic consultants that are using short demos to learn how quickly and easily video technology can help their clients see the people behind the data. Use the form on this page to learn more about how you can offer video insight to your clients.